
Sub AllIndentsToNull()
' Sets ALL indents to 0
' Works only on the currently selected text box
' Be sure to select the text box before running this
' or it'll error out.  Harmlessly.

    Dim oShp As Shape
    Dim x As Long

    Set oShp = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
    With oShp
        With .TextFrame.Ruler
            For x = 1 To .Levels.Count
                .Levels(x).FirstMargin = 0
                .Levels(x).LeftMargin = 0
        End With
    End With

End Sub


Sub SetIndents()
' Sets indents to values you choose below
' Works only on the currently selected text box
' Be sure to select the text box before running this
' or it'll error out.  Harmlessly.

    Dim oShp As Shape
    Dim x As Long

    Set oShp = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
    With oShp
        With .TextFrame.Ruler

            ' Change the values for each level
            ' to whatever you like:

            .Levels(1).FirstMargin = 0
            .Levels(1).LeftMargin = 0

            .Levels(2).FirstMargin = 0
            .Levels(3).LeftMargin = 0

            .Levels(3).FirstMargin = 0
            .Levels(3).LeftMargin = 0

            .Levels(4).FirstMargin = 0
            .Levels(4).LeftMargin = 0

            .Levels(5).FirstMargin = 0
            .Levels(5).LeftMargin = 0

        End With
    End With

End Sub