
Sub OutlineLinks()

    Dim oSh As Shape
    Dim oSl As Slide

    For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes
            If oSh.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action <> ppActionNone Then
                ' Change this to get different colors:
                ' eg RGB(0,255,0) would be green
                oSh.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                ' Change this to get different line weights
                oSh.Line.Weight = 2
            End If
            If oSh.ActionSettings(ppMouseOver).Action <> ppActionNone Then
                ' Change this to get different colors:
                ' eg RGB(0,255,0) would be green
                oSh.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                ' Change this to get different line weights
                oSh.Line.Weight = 2
            End If
        Next oSh
    Next oSl

End Sub