
Sub ListDocumentProperties()

    Dim docProperty As DocumentProperty
    Dim strTemp As String

    On Error Resume Next

    ' First, the Built-in properties    
    For Each docProperty In ActivePresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties
        With docProperty
            ' since it may error if we query the value of a property with no value
            ' we build it in bits ... at least this we we get the name
            ' even if value's not set
            strTemp = .Name & vbTab
            strTemp = strTemp & .Value
            Debug.Print strTemp
        End With
    Next docProperty

    ' And the Custom Document Properties 
    For Each docProperty In ActivePresentation.CustomDocumentProperties
        With docProperty
            ' since it may error if we query the value of a property with no value
            ' we build it in bits ... at least this we we get the name
            ' even if value's not set
            strTemp = .Name & vbTab
            strTemp = strTemp & .Value
            Debug.Print strTemp
        End With
    Next docProperty

End Sub